
Around the World Amazing Connections

Last year and into my third trimester of my second pregnancy, an “amazing” college student from Montreal doing a semester abroad at the Univ. of Bocconi in Milan and who some of you met personally had free room and board in my home in exchange for help with my two-year-old and light housework.

She has since gone back to Canada to continue her studies and has recently introduced me to this non-profit website that her cousin, Susan Macaulay, founded.  There is even a story about “Amazing Anne-Marie” posted on the site.

I have been able to use the site for charitable fundraising on two occasions already.  The first time was for a friend of mine who went to Peru this February with a group called Amazon Promise and most recently for a friend of mine going to India with a group called Unite for Sight.

In the future, I also hope that I can continue to create awareness about other amazing women with the aide of this “amazing” site.