Protected: Spinning Yarns choreography videos
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Of all the comments on my Mississippi Mills Informal Residents’ Survey (which I first talked about on The Millstone here), this is one of my favourites: “It has been my…
Dear going a little crazy / amazingSusan Subscriber, So sorry for the deluge of posts you just got. I’m changing the look of the blog and oops there was a…
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Life breaks my heart. There it is land-sliding Down my lover’s shoulders When we discover death in the backyard. Life dissolves my heart. There it is flowing in the river Of…
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Make a statement. Go wild. Have fun. Colour your hair. Paint your lips. Go GaGa. Be crazy. Try new things. Try new thinks. Dance naked. Dance clothed. Dance around in…
Inspiration lands in my inbox every day, sometimes in the form of images like the ones in this post. I have no way of knowing who took the pics, when,…