Challenges, Health, Joy, Life, Love, Relationships

21 Centering Thoughts From Deepak Chopra

I recently returned to my meditation practice with Oprah and Deepak Chopra’s 21-day Meditation Challenge, Miraculous Relationships!, of which today is Day 16.

While there are only five more days to go in the free program, it’s also available for purchase  either in the form of online access or CDs.  (I’m not in any way affiliated with the program, other than as a participant.)

I am enjoying the daily meditations, and purchased access to them (forever) for $39.

Each day’s program includes a few words by Oprah, a centering thought, a mantra, and a short message from Deepak Chopra  who introduces the meditation.

Here are the centering thoughts for the entire program, which could be used alone or with the program for meditation purposes:

  1. I am open to miracles.
  2. I am a radiant spiritual being.
  3. I am a wondrous miracle of life.
  4. As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.
  5. I am a perfect, divine creation.
  6. I cherish the beauty in myself and others.
  7. I am love. I am eternal. I am spirit.
  8. I love, and I am loved unconditionally.
  9. My loving truth shines for all to see.
  10. I attract that which I am.
  11. I nurture my relationships with attention and appreciation.
  12. I use my energy to heal and transform.
  13. I am present.
  14. I see through the eyes of my soul.
  15. The world is my mirror.
  16. I release, and my heart is at peace.
  17. I fearlessly speak my truth with love.
  18. All I seek is within.
  19. I radiate love.
  20. Forgiveness is for me. Forgiveness sets me free.
  21. Love begins with me.

On the program homepage, there’s a cute video of Oprah on David Letterman (it’s on the left hand side near the top of the page).

Happy meditating!


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