butt ugly!
Two weeks ago today on Feb 1, 2025, I was sent to the Civic Hospital in Ottawa for a CAT scan. The neurologist said the scan didn’t show any signs of a stroke but my symptoms sure did. Nevertheless, he said I should go home. I called my friend James who kindly agreed to come into town and pick me up. While I was in the emerge waiting and getting organized, I asked a fellow sitting next to me if he could help me take my backpack off of the wheelchair I was using.
I stood up. He stood up. Together, we tried to get the bag off of the wheelchair. Unfortunately, and not surprisingly given what we know now, I lost my balance and fell left side first onto the footrest of the wheelchair, which was pointing upwards in the ”off” position
A watermelon-sized bump immediately began to form on my left glute. I could feel it swell and harden within a couple of minutes. It’s been quite painful to roll around on over the past fourteen days. But I wasn’t able to actually take a look at it until yesterday because I wasn’t limber enough to twist around.
Today, when my friend Fay Devlin came to visit, she took a pic for posterity’s sake – or perhaps that should be for posterior’s sake LOL 😛
Anyway, here’s a ‘behind-the-scenes’ pic from my recovery process 😛
© 2024 Susan Macaulay. I invite you to share my poetry and posts widely, but please do not reprint, reblog or copy and paste them in their entirety without my permission. Thank you.
2 thoughts
Awesome progress
Thanks Beth <3
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