Humour, Just for fun, Stroke

it was a good day for a walk…


Well, I’m still in Almont General Hospital in the Rosamond wing. I’ve been here for almost a week having been transferred from the MedSurg wing last Friday February 14, I was supposed to go to Perth to a rehab facility on Tuesday, but unfortunately there was an outbreak of gastrointestinal flu (in which I sadly participated). Today is Thursday, and the outbreak is finally being contained, I’m no longer on isolation, which means I’m allowed to walk the halls again and practice my upright skills 🙂

Well, confined to my shared room. I’ve been doing stretches and exercises as prescribed by the Physio last week and have seen some improvements in my abilities as a result. I still have a very, very long way to go. Still, my progress to date is encouraging. I even managed to take a couple of steps without the support of the walker today. Yay me!

The left hand isn’t working nearly as well as the left leg is, but I will tackle that when I get to the rehab, which I hope will be soon. The fact that I’ve been saying that for 10 days hasn’t yet dampened my hope that it will eventually happen.

Here I am practicing:


butt ugly!



a little piece of nice advice

deal yourself a new hand


© 2024 Susan Macaulay. I invite you to share my poetry and posts widely, but please do not reprint, reblog or copy and paste them in their entirety without my permission. Thank you.

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