12 things i’m grateful for today 20/12/12
Despite my grief and sorrow at having been caught in a cycle of emotional abuse, I feel lucky to be finally free of the drama, chaos and destruction of that cycle. I am full of gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Here are twelve things I am especially grateful for today:
I’m grateful to my friend Craig who helped me choose, cut and “assemble” the branches that would become my gorgeous 2020 Christmas tree.
- I’m grateful for the stunning glass and crystal decorations I gathered on travels to destinations near and far for many years, and which I use every year to create a beautiful piece of Christmas tree art that brings me joy.
- I’m grateful for the creativity that generated an idea that led me to transform the container that holds the tree from a painful memory into a symbol of hope for the future. I painted it silver and gold on the inside <3
- I’m grateful my friends Naisi and Pierre tested negative for COVID-19, and that Pierre will never regret all the visits to his dad in LTC.
- I’m grateful for the volunteers who take my beautiful, courageous cousin Liane sit-skiing in winter and sailing in summer. She was thrilled to have her first ski of the winter season yesterday. Liane is struggling with MS; she inspires me every day.
- I’m grateful for whoever invented and perfected eyeglasses because they allow to keep on reading despite my failing eyesight.
- I’m grateful I was able to hold space and give support to my friend Jacqueline whose ninety-nine-year-old mom lives with dementia, and my new acquaintance John, whose mom is also living with dementia. Being a dementia care partner is one of the hardest things a person may ever be called on to do. Still, it’s also a blessing, and a learning opportunity.
- I’m grateful for the flu shot I got this morning after being on a waiting list for seven weeks.
- I’m grateful for all the healthcare workers worldwide who put their lives on the line every day to save others.
- I’m grateful for zoom, in particular today for the afternoon conversation I had with my angel Lynn in the UK, and for the cocktail hour convo with Craig and Gracie on the other side of town. Lucky me <3
- I’m grateful I have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, heat in my house, food to eat, water and wine to drink, and the ability to appreciate it all.
- Finally, I’m grateful there may soon be a new kitty cat keeping me company… stay tuned!
More posts on being grateful here.
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