odd director knocks it out of park

As a public relations practitioner and public speaking coach (now retired), I listened to a lot of media interviews over the course of my career. But rarely have I heard one as well executed as that conducted by Andrew Cartwright with our own The Wizard is… Odd!? director, Kris Riendeau, on Valley Heritage Radio 98.7 FM.
Andrew expertly steered the conversation and Kris — who is obviously made for doing radio interviews — responded with enthusiasm and all the relevant information listeners might want to know about the show. The whole thing flowed naturally and beautifully and was a joy to listen to.
But don’t believe me, listen for yourself and learn all about The Wizard is… Odd!?, our upcoming auditions on April 13 and 15 at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum and much more (all in less than 10 minutes!):
Well done and thanks Kris and Andrew!
© 2023 Susan Macaulay. I invite you to share my poetry and posts widely, but please do not reprint, reblog or copy and paste them in their entirety without my permission. Thank you.