the days my daddy died
My father was a handsome, intelligent, charming and troubled man. I didn’t know he was a covert narcissist until I began writing Betrayed: Inside a Pathological Love Relationship in early…
My father was a handsome, intelligent, charming and troubled man. I didn’t know he was a covert narcissist until I began writing Betrayed: Inside a Pathological Love Relationship in early…
It’s been a many weeks since I last wrote a list of things I’m grateful for so this is long overdue. A couple of days ago I picked up my…
A friend posted the video below on FB and tagged me. It’s an amusing modern-day version of the myth I reflect on here. Narcissists have caused me a whole lot…
Seems everyone else is always to blame for everything (especially, it would seem, if you are the premier of Ontario, a random commenter on Facebook or a narcissist LOL!)….
Today is the last day of National Poetry Month 2021 in Canada. Today this poem wrote itself to light and hope through snow, tears and fears. Merci Johanne Ravenda pour…
I was immediately captivated by Paul Haining’s early morning image of a raven on the rooftop beside the clock tower in Almonte. And I loved the title he gave it:…
We all long to be free in our own way. To see a world of possibility stretching out before us like an open road. This poem is about that. It…
The problem with overvaluing perfection is it sometimes leads us to want to fix things that don’t need repair, or to think that people and things are broken when in…
Today, once again, I find myself fascinated by the way things ripple and echo in and through my life. I am writing a memoir of my experiences of narcissism. In…
My life is often full of synchronicity and “coincidence” the meaning of which is sometimes glaringly obvious and other times not so much. I’m writing a memoir of sorts about…