Hangin’ on & hangin’ in
I’m having one of those days. I’m just managing to hang on. By a thread. Here’s to everyone else out there who is doing the same. We are not alone….
I’m having one of those days. I’m just managing to hang on. By a thread. Here’s to everyone else out there who is doing the same. We are not alone….
I dine by candlelight thrice daily. “Why waste romance on one meal alone?” I once asked myself. There seemed no justifiable reason to do so, so I’ve romanced myself at…
Make a statement. Go wild. Have fun. Colour your hair. Paint your lips. Go GaGa. Be crazy. Try new things. Try new thinks. Dance naked. Dance clothed. Dance around in…
They say women and men speak different languages. That may be true. They say women talk more than men. That’s definitely not. Another thing for sure: men speak a language all…
“Our relationships with our mothers (and daughters) are not simple ones, are they?” quips The Warm Milk Journal in the understatement of the millennium on the Amazing Women Rock Facebook page. The…