hide and seek
This poem is dedicated to pattymac3636.
hide and seek
by punkie
there you lurk
behind the scenes
your self disguised
as her diseased
watching replays
reading prose
plotting how
to overthrow
each step you take
makes me sicker
blood is thicker
here i am
for all to see
open, honest,
tied, yet free
rising, shining
like the sun
writing rhymes
just for fun
track me, hack me
drink your swill
zero in
for the kill
will you catch me
in a blunder
before the moon
is six feet under?
skulk and spy
all you like
know i will not
give up the fight
tell your lies
spread your slander
count your pennies
while you pander
truth be told
light prevails
one day comes
the holy grail
© Susan Macaulay 2016. I invite you to share my poetry and posts widely, but please do not reprint, reblog or copy and paste them in their entirety without my permission. Thank you.
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