dead bugs are dope

You don’t get away with much in a FB motorcycle group.
I posted this pic and caption, for example, in the Ottawa Misfits Motorcycle Group:

The post generated a small flurry of tongue-in-cheek comments, which inspired me to respond poetically and in comedic kind.
dead bugs are dope
by susan
© 2022
Listen here:
Read here:
dead bugs are dope
leave dead bugs
on riding jackets
and dial your cool up
as if with a ratchet
today’s savvy riders
don’t use soap
cuz insect corpses
are oh-so-dope
they stop the rain
from soaking through
how that works
i’ve not a clue
some say they also
keep you warm
once into layers
they have formed
their lifeless bodies
shield yours it’s thought
in case you slide
like you ought not
and when you leave them
on your gear
other riders won’t
dare come near
you’ll be left alone
to ride
with no dumb bastards
at your side
even better
is the fact
they make an awesome
roadside snack
they have a certain
je ne sais quoi
a little like
pan-fried foie gras
let them age
for several years
then pick and scrape them
off your gear
crunchy, tasty
and protein rich
great picnic fare
by a swampy ditch
so listen up
you silly cow
do what’s best
we’ll tell you how:
“them bugs is golden
when they’re dead
don’t wash them off your gear,”
they said
© 2022 Susan Macaulay. I invite you to share my poetry and posts widely, but please do not reprint, reblog or copy and paste them in their entirety without my permission. Thank you.