Adventure, Just for fun, Motorcycles

10 x 2024 riding season firsts

Photo credit: James Amundson


Even though I’ve ridden about 3,000 kilometres so far and I only rode for a couple of hours this afternoon, it felt as if today was my first REAL day of the 2024 riding season. I think it might be because it was the:

1 ) first time this season I didn’t feel cold at any point during my ride

2 ) first time I didn’t have to wear my long underwear (even though I did LOL)

3 ) first time wearing my warm-weather gloves, which I’ve had since I started riding three years ago and which are pretty mangled. I hope to get a new pair of GryphonMoto gloves soon… (stay tuned)

4 ) first time this season at Antrim Truck Stop

5 ) first Antrim Truck Stop French fries of the season (see 4 above)

6 ) first time this week to not have to contend with seemingly gale-force winds!

7 ) first time ever to meet an oncoming motorcycle on the Blakeney five-span bridge

8 ) first time to lose my key to TheFox without having a spare in my pocket (luckily I found the key before having to have someone drive me home to fetch the spare)

9 ) first time this season to be able to ride past 19:30 EDT because it was still light – yippee!

10 ) first time to ride with riding partner James A. on his new-to-him Yamaha Warrior


This is also my first list of motorcycling firsts!


Photo credit: James Amundson


© 2024 Susan Macaulay. I invite you to share my poetry and posts widely, but please do not reprint, reblog or copy and paste them in their entirety without my permission. Thank you.


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