2024: the year of the u-ey
Anyone can ride in a straight line. Or even a slightly curvy one. I know because I’ve ridden 60,000 kms worth of straight, twisty and sweeping roads during my…
Anyone can ride in a straight line. Or even a slightly curvy one. I know because I’ve ridden 60,000 kms worth of straight, twisty and sweeping roads during my…
Motorcycle riders tend to get twitchy when they can’t ride. For many of us, riding is a lifeline. It keeps us sane in a world that seems to be…
After Ron Martin and I exchanged Facebook comments on the nature of beauty and the merits (or lack thereof) of ‘enhancing’ images, I visited his profile page where I found…
I’ve no excuse for this other than it’s that time of year… ‘Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la and to…
“Do you ever stop thinking and planning?” A fellow volunteer recently emailed me in response to a proposal I had sent her. “Stop? Um. No. LOL :P” I chuckled…
The devil made me do it LOL 😛 third act by susan © 2023 Read here: one fish, two fish red fish, blue fish cast and crew get mighty…
Before I returned to Quebec in 2011 to take care of my mom who lived with dementia, I practiced public and media relations as well as marketing communications in…
When I was a kid, we went to movies in the afternoons – they were called matinees, which is a bit of misnomer because the French root of the word…
Get up at 8. Check the weather on laptop. Forecast: clear until noon; rain for the rest of the day. Maybe I can get a ride in before the…
I woke up at 7:30 am to blue skies. But the outlook for Almonte, where I live, was ominous. Thunderstorms would – or rather could – roll in by…