for jackie and all the others
Someone asked this question in one of the Facebook support groups I’m in: “Can [narcissists] actually move on and be happy and change with someone new?” Two days later, 269…
13 things i’m grateful for today 21/06/13
It’s been a many weeks since I last wrote a list of things I’m grateful for so this is long overdue. A couple of days ago I picked up my…
cat demonstrates what it’s like to be a narcissist
A friend posted the video below on FB and tagged me. It’s an amusing modern-day version of the myth I reflect on here. Narcissists have caused me a whole lot…
the ripple effect
Today, once again, I find myself fascinated by the way things ripple and echo in and through my life. I am writing a memoir of my experiences of narcissism. In…
the scorpion, the swan and the phoenix
My life is often full of synchronicity and “coincidence” the meaning of which is sometimes glaringly obvious and other times not so much. I’m writing a memoir of sorts about…
10 things i’m grateful for today 21/04/04
This morning when I opened the door to let Kitty Cat Jax out, I found an Easter egg on the threshold of my door. It made me smile and feel…
3 best books on surviving narcissists and narcissistic abuse
It’s not easy to break the painful cycle of narcissistic abuse. Leaving a relationship with a narcissist and/or psychopath is really hard for a whole bunch of reasons. Nevertheless, many…
When I stumbled across this skeleton mask on FB, I was struck by the irony of it being such a perfect mask for a narcissist – a mask that actually…
11 things i’m grateful for today 21/02/11
A good way to lift my own spirits when I’m feeling a bit blue is to make a list of the things I’m grateful for. Here is today’s list: I’m…