- still counting the days…
- monday update
- guess where i am…
- rehab track days
- itching to get going…
- it was a good day for a walk…
- butt ugly!
- a short winter loop with ana & my helmet 😛
- can’t wait and scared too…
- october beauty in the ontario highlands
- word song
- it ain’t over ’til it’s over
- this was more like it 🙂
- not the ride i had in mind…
- ended up in a pumpkin patch
- not a motorcycle mama
- heaven’s highways
- which oz is ours?
- the long way back to lally road
- twist my rubber arm with a butter tart
- phones, fears and facts
- black & blue but nothing broken
- i could have turned right…
- re*butt*all
- 7 reasons i love grass point lodge b&b
- hope & healing one week in
- 1 + 9 cool things that happened on a june loop to collingwood
- early to bed, early to ice…
- roadside flowers, photo fun and new friends
- treasure
- better off broken
- the quartermaster’s loop
- the route may be the same, but the ride never is…
- the pass
- should we get away from the windows…?
- 10 x 2024 riding season firsts
- the best laid plans…
- bad weather blues
- brilliant loop follows inauspicious start
- mabel murple rides in purple
- riding solo through the eclipse
- odd director knocks it out of park
- top 10 oddition preparation tips
- tire trouble (part 1)
- stephanie’s shy side sings a six-second song
- which will would you want?
- wizard odd-ition q & a
- 25 million views. see why here:
- Q: how good would life be?
- a fish out of water
- yep. she’s twisty alright 🙂
- the road to hell
- happy valentine’s day to my rides
- 2024: the year of the u-ey
- top 50 things canadian motorcyclists do in winter when they can’t ride
- singer-ing almonte’s praises?
- the millworkers’ steps revisited
- reachable
- my 2023 glass christmas tree
- santa’s rides
- all’s well that ends well in almonte
- kudos galore for incredible cast & crew
- quiet time?
- damn. the covid finally caught me.
- third act
- kris and community theatre at their best on valley heritage radio
- which brings me to how far we rode this season…
- blue’s last loop this season
- the magic of matinees for seniors and juniors
- my riding season isn’t over yet…
- riding is my only hope
- 23 motorcycle-related things i’m grateful for this thanksgiving 231007
- our @ridethehighlands fall colours loop
- on a wing and a prayer
- why is blue parked on the grass instead of in the garage?
- two loops and 52 K mark two seasons in the saddle
- beat the heat part two: blue goes belly up in bogie
- letterkenny foils my attempt to beat the heat
- good thing michelle was along for the ride!
- when wind isn’t therapy
- i may have a problem…
- weathered
- when old new friends meet again…
- are kilometers worth crowing about?
- 5 reasons to do routes differently
- if at first you don’t quite succeed…
- 20 reasons to be grateful for my #ridethehighlands 230723
- writing is a thing i do
- wild. flowers.
- sign sign everywhere a sign 🙂
- still racing
- almonte / griffith highlands loop & road report
- spring rides
- little old lady on 250 cc leaves veteran rider on fjr behind in the dust
- gone buggy yet?
- Two-day loop marks one-year anniversary
- bison bits, hay bales and road snakes.
- had to stop ’cause it was getting dark 🙂
- clayton potty goers port-a-potty psa
- angels in disguise
- cat hair
- you wouldn’t want to kill ryan reynolds, would you?
- augusta street extension
- harley guy okay with hondas
- the magnificent margaret moth
- because potholes
- don’t just sit there. w/ride!
- the moto cycle
- write #bikerpoetry & win #bigmoney!
- spectra
- don’t say a word
- valentine my valentine
- 3 ways i’m getting ready for the 2023 riding season
- sweet dreams
- uk composer turns #bikerpoetry into heart-stopping, foot-stomping, chart-topping country music song
- to wrench or not to wrench
- the butterfly and the bumblebee
- it’s almost spring
- song request
- oh baby, i love you
- less may be more, but more is better 🙂
- 6 ways motorcycle riding improves mental health
- 20 pics of my 2022 crystal christmas tree
- 18 first-snow pics from in and around my place
- blogger offers choice of snow lump stories
- get the f— out!
- layers
- i’ll be glad when christmas is over
- miss aligned
- mississippi mills council ‘reporting’ reboot
- 10 images from my mississippi mills
- we rode a long way, baby
- dead bugs are dope
- surprise ride
- woe is us
- ever feel as if you don’t belong?
- ride on into the next town
- 14 things i’m grateful for today 22/11/07
- country, music and cats
- 13 late-night almonte images to mark halloween 2022
- under pressured
- autumn
- Spinning Yarns choreography videos
- last rides
- 22 riding things i’m grateful for today 22/10/09
- for cassie & her da
- blinded by the light
- in pieces
- rob’s cottage weekend ride 1b
- the day before yesterday
- #hunkofalenzo
- nuts!
- good thing i got lucky
- gravel hazard panmure road & lanark 17
- perfect timing
- sunset ride
- running on empty
- strawberry fields forever. or maybe until monday.
- endless practice: the art of slow motorcycle riding
- dr. watson rides a triumph
- bums in seats behind the scenes too!
- Ready, SET, build!
- Baker Bob celebrates 25th anniversary with starring role in puppet show. Sort of.
- who’s the odd animal out?
- Someone’s been murdered. Did the Hummertons do it?
- the hound meets harper’s
- the answer to: ‘what do these five images have in common?’
- Puppies Up?
- i lost my marbles (part 2)
- war crimes
- how much practice goes into perfecting a puppet show?
- i lost my marbles
- getting to the other side
- spring is sprung
- war zones
- ride o’clock
- space invaders
- battle stations
- best friends
- nothing at all
- motorcycle rider saves kitten #love #love #love
- 10 motorcycle rider cabin fever symptoms (as demonstrated by my cat)
- how motorcycle riders feel about riding motorcycles
- snow crew thank you
- wordle (the poem)
- a canadian rider’s winter prayer
- retribution
- frozen
- the magic of silent winter fireworks
- in passing
- 11 things i’m grateful for today 21/12/21
- the chris-ening
- 30 things i’m grateful for today 21/11/30
- stop it already!
- 25 things motorcycle riders have in common with people who live with dementia
- oops
- good girls
- on siding & riding
- 11 things i’m grateful for today 21/10/10
- the bell on my bike
- bucket list
- one sick f—
- nightmare
- for jackie and all the others
- casualties
- the days my daddy died
- 13 things i’m grateful for today 21/06/13
- cat demonstrates what it’s like to be a narcissist
- shame on who?
- today
- raven o’clock
- don’t put me in a cage
- a lighthearted look at fixing stuff
- the ripple effect
- the scorpion, the swan and the phoenix
- 10 things i’m grateful for today 21/04/04
- 3 best books on surviving narcissists and narcissistic abuse
- lifted
- monster
- 11 things i’m grateful for today 21/02/11
- twin suns
- arrowhead
- you know what to do
- which is more exciting? giving birth or being born?
- 30 similarities and differences between my ex narc and my new narc
- if logs could talk
- winter shadows
- walkabout
- angels angels everywhere
- 20 common traits of grandiose narcissists
- 20 common traits of covert narcissists
- 37 common traits of overt narcissists
- broken
- 12 things narcissists hold in contempt that most of the rest of us hold dear
- 21 things i’m grateful for heading into 2021
- 5 things i’m grateful for today 20/12/25
- almost christmas eve wishes from a christmas eve past
- 11 things i’m grateful for today 20/12/21
- i found a quilted heart #ifaqh
- 99 lies narcissists tell their gfs, lovers, partners and/or spouses
- 12 things i’m grateful for today 20/12/12
- all of them lies
- 7 things i’m grateful for today 20/12/07
- 101 love bombing lines and lies narcissistic men use to charm, disarm and dazzle their targets
- nailing it
- what if?
- boy meets girl
- who will make it right?
- masquerade
- i know my own truth
- where is she?
- undone
- chained
- hidden
- dear narcissist
- the painful cycle of narcissistic abuse
- 10 things i’m grateful for today 20/07/10
- 10 love bombing country songs i wish i’d never heard
- 14 bouquets of spring joy
- ptsd: a poem written in 2017 that still applies in 2020
- thank you for being here with me
- we all hurt, we all lie, and nothing stays the same
- hidden junk
- 8 good reasons to go crazy
- the real thing is risky business
- 3 things i’m grateful for today 20/04/30
- 19 things i’m grateful for today 20/04/19
- one thing i’m grateful for today 20/04/16
- 12 things i’m grateful for easter 20/04/12
- private posts
- a/part
- 8 things i’m grateful for today 20/04/08
- ode to a little #pink bullet
- 10 things i’m grateful for today 20/04/06
- 15 things i’m grateful for today 20/04/05
- second fiddle
- everything’s gonna be alright…eventually
- 2cellos out of the box
- doing time
- 20 definitions of courage from hope is not a plan
- the devil’s in the house of the rising sun
- warning
- i spy
- juicy
- 15 tips for jumping out of planes & slaying dragons
- stung
- gone
- what i got at the *** shop
- illusions: the adventures of a reluctant messiah
- tools & everyday miracles; illusions: chapter 3
- farmer grandpa is first customer; illusions: chapter 2, part 2
- marked
- there are better ways to move mountains; illusions: chapter 2, part 1
- what would you do if god commanded you to be happy? illusions: chapter 1
- when yesterday’s laundry becomes today’s poetry
- absence
- mo(u)rning
- a lover’s lament
- be who you are
- alone
- questions
- reflection
- shut the f**k up
- legacy
- it’s all about me
- the purpose of struggle: a parable
- is it possible to be too helpful?
- 20 questions to cultivate awareness, gain clarity, and create change in yourself and your relationships with others
- i write poetry (for an imaginary lover)
- ups & downs
- the game of love: knockin’ down the door of the candy store
- at the toy store
- i am grateful
- blow by blow
- please don’t
- cheated
- the cathedral
- have you been struck?
- the awning
- the lost and found
- find renewal in the wreckage
- can you say “vibrator?”
- funeral pyre
- this poem just died
- sleigh ride: reprise
- make-up
- 63 things I’m grateful for on my sixty-third birthday
- a deer in the headlights
- climax
- thank you to every angel who has ever helped me
- why it’s good to talk to strangers
- 5 beautiful & powerful poems by mary oliver
- love, carole
- exposed
- teacher
- the farmer and the fox
- play dates
- scarred
- sailing
- mountain streams with waterfalls
- sleigh ride
- for you & me & everyone
- another, another day
- just another day by day
- pickled
- see the me that’s me
- i am the river
- a little piece of nice advice
- three little kittens
- my mississippi mills informal residents’ survey final results
- my darling clementines: christmas reflections from morocco
- not dead. yet.
- all things pumpkin #poetry 2018
- all things pumpkin #pics 2018
- laundry list of first annual fomm clothesline contest winners
- a little house (by susan and trevor)
- you don’t have to be shot at to be brave
- about better bee-haviour
- all things pumpkin pics 2018
- robin williams on what it would be like if shakespearian actors did p**n movies
- the lowest common d nominator
- 10 thought-provoking brené brown quotes from braving the wilderness
- happy sixtieth birthday
- turd wars
- backyard emergency
- a field of dreams revisited
- i want the highlights, but i can only pay for a trim
- sucked in
- what if people had sex like worms?
- grist for the mill
- 50 things i love about being with you
- a thank you note
- desire
- daydream
- pink picket fences
- awestruck
- youandme
- sleepy spoons
- love making
- fishing
- how to wrap your cat in less than 2 minutes
- you probably brought it on yourself
- which one should i insta?
- clever commercial captures cats’ snacks’ christmas chaos
- note to self: do not argue with people whose purpose is to argue
- a poetic #EPIC answer to “how are you?”
- broken dreams
- word games
- tap dance
- the easter parade
- Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
- what are we like?
- the tracks of my tears
- hope, promise & defiance
- TRUMPED! a 2017 inauguration day poem
- deep loneliness runs through me like a river
- Mississippi Mills informal residents’ survey final results Brent preview
- 10 things i’m grateful for today 160811
- Shopping for clothes online? How to make sure you love your purchases
- hide and seek
- small joys r/hide up on the shelf
- castle towers
- lobster claws
- the albatross
- empty pages
- home sweet Homs no longer
- never on sunday or any other day of the week
- deal yourself a new hand
- the shape of things to come
- a nursery rhyme for violent times
- for the sake of childish games
- wreck the halls and fa la la la la for a world gone mad
- even in prison there’s space between the bars
- beware the charming king of swords and his evil pair of queens
- inspiration for underdogs: the story of david and goliath revisited
- What do Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US NSA whistleblower Edward Snowdon have in common?
- 7 great reasons to drink red wine
- all i can say is ewwwww x 2
- Tit for tat? Nah! Tit for tit!
- you are more than enough already
- Should math and evolution be taught in school? Hmmmm. Tough question.
- i fell off my bike again
- the paradox of chaos
- how many men does it take to change a light bulb?
- 15 pics of a snowy spring morning
- 29 Amazing Women Rock TED 2015
- look up and find poetry
- fight for your own creativity
- 20 pics of my glass and crystal Christmas tree
- An inspirational story of a daughter who helped her Mom go to college
- 40 footloose dance scenes oh yes dance
- 40 stunning photographs of fall colours in eastern Canada
- 25 WOW! Women Rocked TED Global 2014 #TEDWomen
- 10 things i’m grateful for today 140908
- 48 pictures of the wall between Israel and Palestine
- Let’s talk about Israel and Palestine. Or not. Again.
- once upon a bad hair day at the vatican
- 7 leap before you look lessons from Mandarin ducklings
- 10 Chilling Violence Against Women in #Canada Statistics
- i was feeling a little sorry for myself today. then somebody sent me this.
- I Found the Future in a Brown Paper Bag
- Rosie Inspires Feminist Teen
- We All Make Herstory in Our Own Way
- come winter
- Dead to the World
- fight the good fight. your way.
- How To Kick Ass in Two Minutes or Less
- Feminist: A Word We Love to Hate
- This is what a “fumerist” does…
- Sara Is Finally Free
- I Wanna Be a MF-in’ Monstah!
- Catherine never complained
- New Roasted Honey Lemon Almonds
- Another amazing shot of me howling at the full moon.
- I see amazing women. What do YOU see?
- 25 Useful Things to Remember When You Screw Up
- loving words at sunset
- You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings
- 21 Centering Thoughts From Deepak Chopra
- Five Great Tips to Sleep When You Can’t
- 10 Things Our Daughters Could Learn From Whitney Houston
- Escape. Embrace. Or Not. Or Both.
- 12 Parts of a Summer Day
- 15 Empowering Things to Tell Your Kids (and Yourself)
- I Had Forgotten All About Tootsie. Until Today.
- Anger Management
- O Canada In Birthday Poetry
- 6 powerful ways to make your life more beautiful
- White Maggot and Bumblebee Salad
- What To Do During a Super Full Moon
- 10 Cool Lists of 10 Cool Things to Love
- Life Breaks My Heart
- 10 Things I Loved About @TEDGlobal Day 1 via TED Live
- 29 Amazing Women @TEDGlobal 2013 Stage
- More Truth. Less Tits & Ass Please.
- See me?
- Remembering Tank Man
- breathless
- Hot? Getchya Some Gazpacho (Day 9)
- Facebook, food & feminism (Days 5, 6, 7 & 8)
- Yes, @Facebook, it IS graphic violence (Trigger warning)
- I’m confused Facebook… (Trigger warning)
- Days 3 & 4: 10 Days in May Magic Bullet Muffin Buster
- Blocked for being a “bad girl?” (Trigger warning)
- How to report hate speech on Facebook
- Day 2: 10 Days in May Magic Bullet Muffin Buster
- Day 1: Last 10 Days in May Magic Bullet Muffin Buster
- Last 10 days in May fabulous food list
- What keeps us going?
- Susan’s Last 10 Days in May Magic Bullet Muffin & Fat Back Buster UnDiet & Weight Release Thing
- Hangin’ on & hangin’ in
- Morning glory
- 10 Notes in an Ode to Joy
- Amazing shot of me howling at the full moon 🙂
- when I die, I want to come back as a goat…
- Solitary romance
- Spring fever
- Colourize your world
- On ex-cars & ex-husbands
- Margaret Thatcher: Powerful Lady
- 5 Steps to Success When Things Seem Impossible
- Quick & easy roasted honey lemon almonds
- Re-Born AGAIN!!!
- 11 Rape Related Blog Posts Worth Reading
- Men Speak a Language All Their Own
- 10 Affirmations to Kickstart Yourself
- 16 Ways to See a Winter Morning
- The Difference 50 Alzheimer’s Days Can Make
- A Walk in the Wilderness
- Merry Christmas from Mom & me
- Little Girl Shows What Millions Feel LOL
- 3 random reflections on male sexuality
- I Am One in a Billion
- 9 Posts That Might Make You a Feminist
- Happy 84th Birthday Pinkie Patti!
- 6 Ways to Magic-alize Early Mornings
- 22 Pics of a Frosted Morning in Quebec
- 16 Pics of a Rusty Old Railroad Bridge
- 24 Up Close & Personal Summer Flowers
- TYSM Amazing Mary Jardine
- 16 Surprises on a Morning Walk
- 4 Tongue-in-Cheek Takes on Legitimate Rape
- Gîte La Marmotte: Picture Perfect Charm in Southeastern Quebec
- Slightly Tipsy Me Makes a FB Plea
- 7 Tips To KickStart Your Creative Juices
- 10 Gems From Making My Facial Into a Fellini Movie
- Sacrilege on the Sacrosanct: Sharing Mixed Feelings on Mother’s Day
- May Day: Dance Away!
- More Is Less: Facebook Fan Engagement (Part 3)
- More Is Less: The Truth About Facebook Fan Engagement After Timeline (Part 1)
- 5 Real Estate Ways The New FB Timeline #Fails My Page & My Fans
- 30 Things For Which I’m Grateful 120323
- You Can Be A Winner. Even If You Finish Last.
- 13 Provocative Posts On Gender Issues
- You Don’t Own Me. Not Then. Not Now. Not ever.
- Sluts, Whores & More Ongoing Insanity
- Kiss Our Collective Asses & Shove It Up Yours
- This Is Insane. I Mean Really. C’mon!
- TED Live? #TED Wow! @TED Yes!!
- TED2012 Full Spectrum Shy on Gender Parity (Again!)
- 17 Women Rocked Stage @TED2012
- Aquarians Let The Sun Shine In (In Our Own Creative, Eccentric, Offbeat, Creative, Innovative, Radical, Rebellious Way)
- 6 Steps To Great Quotes (Part 2)
- 6 Steps To Great Quotes (Part 1)
- Trio of Nobel Laureates Tell It Like It Is: Women & Peace Now!
- Inside the World Of An Aspiring Geisha
- Women War Correspondents On The Ground In Libya
- Goodbye Once Again Pinkie Patti…
- Make The World A Better Place.
- Malala Yousafzai: Schoolgirl / Superhero
- Killing Ourselves Softly While Trying To Be Perfect
- Bye Bye Bin Laden. I Hope You Took Your Capacity To Incite Violence & Hatred With You When You Went.
- Shame On You Vanity Fair, For Publishing Such Trash
- Invisible Women: Where Is Half The World’s Population?
- 15 Trailblazers Take The Stage (A Feminist Take on TED 2011)
- Change Is In The Air: AWR Gives Fans A Sneak Preview Of Our New Logo
- 11 Recent Headlines That Make My Feminist Blood Boil
- My Benihana Experience Turns Into An EPIC Social Media #FAIL
- Asmaa Mahfouz Sets An Entire Nation On Fire
- How Asmaa Mahfouz Ignited Egypt & Became History In The Making
- Yes, Don Hazen, You Can Be A Feminist Too
- Sexy Comes In All Sizes Becomes Overwhelming Social Media Success
- It’s Never Too Late for Love: Stories Of Rediscovery
- Don’t Mess With Mother Nature: She Packs A Mean Punch
- Let’s Take TEDxActionNow On Gender Parity
- TEDWomen A Resounding Success! Or Was It?
- Reboot To The Power Of Seven: The Amazing Women Of TEDxDubai 2010
- 12 Nike Ads That Make Me Wanna’ Rock
- A Dream Come True: 18 Amazing Girls & Young Women Make TED History
- You Don’t Have To Be Muslim To Wear #PINK Hijab
- I Can’t Change Men. But I Can Change Myself.
- 15 Good Reasons To Spend More Money On Poor Moms
- Excuse Me Sir, Would You Grab Me Some Tampons Please?
- Excuse Me Sir, Would You Buy Me Some Tampons Please?
- Would You Buy a Maxi Pad From A Half-Naked Man?
- Forget About The Mosque, Focus On The Floods
- Sex Trafficking A Tragically Thriving Business In USA
- Four Amazing Women In Islam Made History
- To Mosque Or Not To Mosque? Asks AWR Guest Blogger Susan Corso
- 7 Notes to Live Your Life i Tune
- Pamela Anderson Drawn, Quartered & Banned In Her (And My) Native Canada
- Does A Butchered Woman Hanging From Meat Hooks Make You Want To Shop?
- 8 Amazing Performance Artists Who Rocked TED Global 2010
- EPIC Movies EPIC FAIL Gender Parity Test
- Unlimited Inspiration For Only 3 Cents A Day!
- 71 Reasons To Love Being Canadian Please
- Girl Scouts Could Teach BP A Thing Or Two Or More!
- Who Says It’s A Man’s World?
- Two Years Old Today: Happy Birthday AWR Blog!
- Tourists Flock There To Float On Their Backs In It
- Peace, Love, And Oh Yeah, BTW, F**k You
- There Are As Many Truths As There Are People To Tell Them
- freedom’s just another word….
- 5 Steps To Turn An Innocent Child Into A Suicide Bomber
- Give Me Something To Defend
- Twelve (Plus Two) Twanswers 2 Twitter & Twitterati Questions
- Just A Wannabe Geek Who Loves Her Twitter Community
- Engineering Student Builds Bridges With Innovative Materials
- Three Amazing Women Create A Powerful Noise In Extraordinarily Beautiful Film
- The Answer To AWR’s Second-Most-Asked Question: Who Is Amazing?
- If Women Ruled The World, Would Business Be Any Better Off?
- here’s to being a crazy one. a misfit. a rebel. and a square peg in a round hole.
- How To Make A Beautiful Life: A Message From The Universe, And My Mom
- Still Worth Your Weight (And More) In Gold
- Cougars: Are We Predators? Or Just Playful Pussycats?
- Salmon In Snowshoes: Frosty Canadian Cuisine Is Heaven On Earth
- One Of Few Occasions I Wished I Could Be In Two Places At The Same Time
- Ann Njeri Says YES! Africa
- 16 Peace Women In Palestine & Israel Strive For A Better World
- One World. One Goal: Education For Everyone!
- Where Are The Women Of Pakistan, India And Afghanistan?
- Everything You Really Don’t Need To Know About Me (And More!)
- Marilyn Monroe, AWR And Tejori Team Up In Diamonds Are Your Best Friend Deal
- Arab Women Still Have A Long Way To Go To Achieve Equality
- Some Days It Pays To Stay In Bed. Or Does It?
- Ann Njeri Says: Prejudices & Assumptions? Send them to HELL!!
- Kikune Dreams Of One Day Becoming A Kyoto Geisha
- Anti-Trafficking Crusader Sunitha Krishnan Fights To Save Women & Girls In India
- Unwritten Rules Keep Women From Plum Corporate Posts
- Nine Goofy Reasons (& One Great One) To Wear Pink Every Day
- Help Women in Need Get Free Mammograms: It Only Takes One Click!
- No Wonder Our Perception Of Beauty Is Distorted
- Personal Branding (Pink Or Otherwise!) Puts Money In Your Pocket
- The Margaret Moth Story: FEARLESS (or: A Heroine Just Walked Into My Life)
- Dubai Frozen In Time (But Likely Not For Long)
- One Woman’s Wish May Change The Course Of World Religions
- Speak Up, Speak Out, Take The Stage: The World Needs More TED Women
- Better Learn the Unwritten Rules If You Want To Succeed In A Man
- Open Your Heart. Share Your Joy. Make Every Day Peace Day.
- Pinkie Patti, Punkie & Pia’s Peace Day Poem
- Dizzying Views From Top Of Burj Dubai Spire – SCARY!!
- 7 Powerful Secrets For Parenting Girls
- Natalie Carney’s “Kids Being Kids: Afghanistan” Video Blog Update
- Amazing Young Women Making A Difference RIGHT NOW!
- Don’t Send A Man To The Grocery Store (And If You Do, Check Your List Twice)
- “Ordinary” Women Make “Extra-Ordinary” Contributions
- Ann Njeri Says People Are Good
- Sarah Bainbridge Speaks Asylum In Trafalgar Square
- What Would You Say To A Victim Of Torture?
- Jewish Peace Activist To Be Sentenced For Defending Palestinian Homes
- My Mom Thinks It’s Unfair. What Do You Think?
- Listen Up Government of Iran: My Mom Has A Message For You!
- Women In Leadership Links
- Comprehensive List Of Stuff To Do In London
- Sex Slavery Is NOT Acceptable, No Matter Where It Occurs
- Three Minutes In Trogir, Croatia
- Persepolis Stands For Lack Of A Permit: A Heroic Story From 1979 Post-Revolutionary Iran
- BBC World Affairs Editor Talks About Citizen Reporting In Iran
- Dubai 2010: The Trailer, A Creative Concept Well Executed
- Burj A Little Behind Schedule, But Oh-So-Spectacular On Video
- Ann Njeri Didn’t Turn Out To Be A Nun, But She’s Still True To Her Calling
- Is There a Terrorist Under That Hijab?
- Long Live Islam Says Ann Njeri
- My Name Is Susan. And I Am Canadian.
- This Struggle’s Got My Vote
- Run, Susan, Run (Part 2)
- TED 101 (Or TED For Dummies)
- One Young Woman Dies In Tehran
- Ann Njeri Reports On Poverty in Cambodia
- The Amazingly Transformative Miracle of Music: WOW !!
- Happy Birthday To My Blog Which Is One Year Old Today
- Shopping For Fruit And Veg At Kampar Market
- Butchering Chickens at Kampar Market in Malaysia
- Kampar Morning Market in Malaysia
- Raw Divas Offer Free Online Healthy Living Summit
- Censorship Is A Slippery Slope Into Being Silenced
- Speaking Out For Those Who Are Silenced
- Run, Susan, Run (Part 1)
- A Salute to An Unknown Man’s Bravery And Courage
- Hooray For People Who Dance in Random Places
- Watch Out Cirque du Soleil, Here Comes Umoja
- Let’s Get Together And Feel All Right
- Help Save Salt, Buy One Book Today
- On War, Soldiers And Being Apart
- Powerful Words of Gratitude to Jackie from Alex
- We May Not Be Famous, But We Can Be Grateful
- Chant & Be Happy: Susan Learns About Krishna Consciousness
- How a Duck Takes to Water When it’s Born on a Ledge
- The Dog’s Meow
- Stillettos and Mary Stand Above the Crowd
- Home Away From Home No Matter Where You Are
- Muslim Author On Gallup Research Results
- Arab/Jew Duet & Two Trips Blog Post Get Mixed Reactions
- New: Amazing Music Rocks Here Weekly
- Awww C’mon KSA: Let The Girls Play!
- Shhhh…Susan’s in Saudi
- Why Blame It On Dubai?
- What Do Madonna, Susan Boyle and Dubai Have in Common?
- Unlock Human Potential by Tapping Into Creativity
- I Believe in Magic
- Heels & Deals: Dubai’s New Network for Female Entrepreneurs!
- An Open Letter to Johann Hari of the Independent
- Perfect Metaphor for Love-To-Hate-Dubai Debate
- On the Ground in Dubai, and Taking Baby Steps
- Dubai Real Estate Rollercoaster
- Stick to the Facts. Leave Out the Fiction.
- Around the World Amazing Connections
- Passion & Heart Better Than Tools & Technique
- Do Women REALLY Talk More Than Men?
- Hello, Guys. And BTW, It’s Not News to Us
- Use Your Voice And Talk Man Talk
- Brave Conchita Chose Bloody Sport
- What Would You Ask a Geisha, Part Three
- You Fan My Flame And Keep Me Dancing
- Fitting In Is Vastly Overrated, It’s Proven
- The Story of Stuff, Stuff and More Stuff
- Awakening to Oneness Workshop
- You’ve Come a Long Way Baby. Maybe.
- The Happiness Test
- Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy
- Making Our Voices Heard
- Islamic Feminist Activist Says Change Needed
- What Would You Ask a Geisha, if You Had the Chance? Part 2
- Female Role Models
- 7 Rules for Happiness Japanese Style
- Clicks, Chicks, and Connections
- Taking Aim
- A Prayer For You
- Amazing Malaysian Women
- Fukiko Makes Me Beautiful in a Kimono
- What Would You Ask a Geisha, if You Had the Chance?
- Resolutions – February 2009
- Architecture Holds Lots of Room For Improvement…
- Talking Towers – Who’s on Top and Who’s Not
- How High is High in Dubai? 818 metres !
- Older, Wiser, Better And More Silver Today 🙂
- Risky Business in Dubai May Be Riskier in Russia
- Peace X Peace Might Save Us From Living Hell
- Amazing Mary Juggles Multiple Challenges
- Taxi Drivers Keep Their Ears to the Ground
- To Judy O’Sullivan’s Friends
- She Waits. That’s What She Does.
- Congratulations to Our American Sisters
- Racism is a Disease of the Mind
- Which Are More Important? Similarities or Differences?
- What Do We Miss, When We Walk On By?
- A Great Writer
- Send Money for Ads or Sign a Petition for Peace
- What is your “Plan B” for 2009?
- Three Tips to Create a Better Year (& You) in 2009
- Resolutions – January 2009
- Resolutions
- Do More Than Give Peace a Chance
- Midnight in the Blog of Good and Evil
- Most “Naturals” Are Made, Not Born
- 10 Things On My Gratitude Attitude List
- Ode to Ode
- Too Cute For Words
- We Miss You Brent
- DIY Ironwomen
- Crisis? What Crisis?
- Don’t Read This
- I Want More!
- Baa Baa Blues
- Spick & Span Japan
- Pink Rocks (Again!)
- Where are YOU from?
- Thanks to Rhonda
- NO More Violence
- The Tracks of My Tears
- Is This Site Sexist?
- stairways & heaven
- We Will Survive !
- Out in Africa
- WIN-ning in Spain
- Dancing for Joy 2008
- Preggers and phenomenal!
- Love is the Key
- Speaking of Winning at the Olympics…
- Their Weight in Gold
- Yang-May Blows Me Away
- One Step at a Time
- Everyone Woman’s Story Deserves To Be Told
- Reunions Are Joyful Things
- On Moving On
- Goodbyes Are STILL Sad Things, 33 Years Later
- Goodbyes Are Sad Things
- Pink Rocks (and rides)
- Tough Decision
- Happy Birthdays
- Everything’s Connected
- Amazing Anne-Marie
- The Soul of the World Can Sing
- A Dime a Dozen?
- A Gift of Faith
- What Kind of World is This?
- Field of Dreams
- Deep Loneliness Is At My Core
- Like a virgin?